Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chicken News

The two hens that I got last Friday have been producing about an egg a day each.  I'm up to 7 eggs. More than an omelette. Thursday morning will be the grand opening of the first Tuggle Farms' egg.  Time will tell how it will be prepared. It will surely involve Tuggle Farms Salsa on the side.

Big news. Six more hens have joined the ranks. Thanks to Gregory Poultry Farm near Stuart. Three Barred Rock hens, two Silver Laced Wyandottes and one Black Austrolorp have joined the two New Hampshire Reds and the very proud cock bird of undetermined parentage.

The rooster was happy but not so much the hens. The darker red hen, which I think is a New Hampshire Red, just to the left of the pole in the photo, immediately set the new ones in their places by trying to pluck out their neck feathers. She calmed down a bit after fifteen minutes or so.  The new ones would run behind the rooster when she came after them.

I've saved room for two more. I'm looking for two Buff Orpingtons to fill out the harem. So far chickens are fun. But profitable? I figure after about 30 dozen eggs, I'll break even.